Lauren Krass
A Krass Act
The Duplex, NYC, January 12th, 2018
How do you move beyond your dad walking out on your family at the age of seven? You write jokes about it and become a comedian. At least that is what Lauren Krass did for her show “A Krass Act” where she exemplified the modern conception of bravery by showcasing the extent of what dirty laundry might be lurking behind the veil of her black dress.
Of course in some cases it was actually dirty laundry. Spinning a lot of jokes through the lens of romantic rejection, she had arguably her most memorable story about thinking a former flame had left a spillover from steamy drunk sex the night before on her birthday dress. Only to later discover through sly detective work that it was actually tears and the powdered sugar of donuts. Ah, and the trivialities of dating in New York City, aren’t bad enough?
Yes, the show and her jokes take after its title and Lauren’s apt last name. She was crass, bold, and easily entertaining turning often actually pretty serious stories about alcohol and reconnecting with lost fathers into not so subtle jabs at the mysteries of now old world words like Myspace. If you’re looking for a performer with a firm grasp of irony and enough of a sense of humor to make light of basically everything, Krass is most certainly your gal. I think that the best part of her performance is that she seems to be genuinely comfortable with who she is and excited about where her work will take her.
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